Film Review: Elite Squad
Elite Squad a.k.a. Tropa de Elite (Jose Padilha, 2007)
In Portuguese, with English subtitles
Winner, Golden Bear, Berlin Film Festival 2008
Why does this remind me of City of God? Maybe because the two films share the same writer and both deal (partly) with drug trafficking in the notorious favelas of Rio De Janeiro. And both are excellent films. Elite Squad, however, tells the story of drug trafficking and corruption in the police force on the point of view of some members of the so-called Elite Squad (State Police Special Operations Battalion). At the same time, the film also presents the struggles of the outgoing captain of the Elite Squad as he looks very carefully for his replacement and, at the same time, dealing with the problems in the favelas.
In Portuguese, with English subtitles
Winner, Golden Bear, Berlin Film Festival 2008

This film is brilliant in all aspects.
Rating: 4.0/4.0