Movie No. 31 (2013): SISTERS
Sisters (1973)
Director: Brian De Palma
Cast: Margot Kidder, Jennifer Salt, Charles Durning

I really like the film.
Date seen: January 28, 2013
Rating: 4.0/4.0
Director: Brian De Palma
Cast: Margot Kidder, Jennifer Salt, Charles Durning

The plot: The Siamese twin of a French-Canadian model, who's separated from her, is accused of the brutal murder of a black male in an apartment in Staten Island (New York) that is witnessed by a neighbor, who is a newspaper reporter.
The film is practically of the Hitchcockian-horror genre, and it succeeds in that aspect. There's a pivotal scene in the film that reminds me of Gabriel Garcia Marquez' short story called I Only Came To Use The Phone. I wonder if the writer had that short story used as inspiration for that scene.
I really like the film.
Date seen: January 28, 2013
Rating: 4.0/4.0