Stranger Than Paradise (1984)
Director: Jim Jarmusch
Cast: John Lurier, Eszter Balint
This is the kind of film that watching it feels like reading a novel where you feel that nothing much is happening and still feels good in the end. It appears simple but it is actually complex. The film is of that kind we call an independent film, whatever that means. The film appears like a comedy with its humor so subtle that you might miss it if you're not paying much attention. I might have missed some because of sensitivities which to me are foreign.
Director: Jim Jarmusch
Cast: John Lurier, Eszter Balint
In the film Eva makes a 10-day stopover in her cousin's (Willie's) apartment in New York before going to Cleveland to stay with her aunt, her final destination. She's from Budapest (Hungary). There she meets Willie's friend Eddie. Then, after a year, Willie and Eddie travels to Cleveland to surprise Eva. This is all I have to say. By the look of it, there seems to be nothing special and noteworthy about the film. That's what I thought, too, until the film was over.
Date seen: February 8, 2013
Rating: 3.5/4.0