Movie No. 112 (2013): GOOD MORNING (a.k.a. OHAYO)
Good Morning (a.k.a. Ohayo) (1959)
Director: Yasujiro Ozu
Cast: Keiji Sada, Yoshiko Kuga
Two boys, in an attempt to emotionally blackmail their parents, make a pact: they will not speak any word for an indefinite time until their parents buy them a television set. Here, indefinite really means indefinite.
Director: Yasujiro Ozu
Cast: Keiji Sada, Yoshiko Kuga

From the plot one can extrapolate that the film will be funny. It is. The humor is indelible, not badgering, not cheap. This is also an unassuming film that comments on some aspects of Japanese psyche during that period when this film was made. Yasujiro Ozu's minimalist style, projected in an exquisite cinematography, is quite noticeable. This is another good example of pure cinema.
Funny and memorable!
Rating: 4.0/4.0
Date seen: May 10, 2013