Movie No. 133 (2013): TAKING WOODSTOCK
Taking Woodstock (2009)
Director: Ang Lee
Cast: Demetri Martin, Imelda Staunton, Dan Fogler, Liev Schreiber
"Woodstock Festival" was an important and historical music festival that happened for four days in 1969. This film, Taking Woodstock, is about what was happening elsewhere in the vicinity during this event. So, we never see rock artists play in any of the scenes in the movie. That's okay; however, I feel disconnected from the characters that the narrative follows despite that there are so many aspects of the society (that time) and of the personality clash of some characters that could be interesting.
Director: Ang Lee
Cast: Demetri Martin, Imelda Staunton, Dan Fogler, Liev Schreiber

Ang Lee has made important films that are of varied genre and almost all of these are praise-worthy. But not this particular film. It's not really bad but I can't say it's worth-recommending.
Rating: 2.5/4.0
Date seen: July 21, 2013