Movie No. 44 (2013): SAY ANYTHING

Say Anything (1989)
Director: Cameron Crowe
Cast: John Cusack, Ione Skye, John Mahoney, Lili Taylor

Diane Court (Ione Skye) is the class valedictorian of her high school. She's just won a prestigious scholarship and is headed for England to study college. As she waits for the summer to be over, before she leaves for England, she dates Lloyd (John Cusack), who, according to her father, is an irresponsible "underachiever." Then, pressured by her father, she breaks the relationship. Lloyd will try to win Diane back. Meanwhile, Diane will learn some devastating truth about his father.

The best thing about the movie is that all characters are believable, some are even charming. The slow buildup of relationship between Diane and Lloyd is well-written. This is a great coming-of-age film. One of the convincing love stories ever seen on screen.

Date seen: February 14, 2013

Rating: 4.0/4.0


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