Movie No. 20 (2015): RELATOS SALVAJES (a.k.a. WILD TALES)

Relatos Salvajes (a.k.a., Wild Tales)
Director: Damian Szifron
Cast: Ricardo Darin

The movie consists of 5 unrelated stories that are indeed wild. Each story can stand alone as a short film. But, there seems to be one common denominator: retaliation when fed up. The characters of these five tales react differently upon being fed up.  I don't want to give a short synopsis of each tale for I'm not sure if I can do it without giving spoilers. All of these stories are dark and creepy but mostly presented the Almodovar way, meaning outrageous, sometimes grotesque. I was particularly floored by the third story, the one with the obnoxious drives in a practically deserted highway. It's so dark and violent but ended in a funny way. Something that surprised me. The last episode is the only tale with a happy ending despite the chaos preceding that.

I enjoyed the movie. It deserves the best Foreign Language Film nomination it got from the 87th Academy Awards.

Rating: 4.0/4.0

Date seen: February 25, 2015


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