Ang Huling Chacha Ni Anita (2014)
Director: Sigrid Andrea Bernardo
Cast: Angel Aquino, Teri Malvar
In Tagalog/Filipino, no English subtitles

The theme and story of the movie are far from original. I've seen some movies about coming of age, loss of innocence, and discovering sexuality, and how these experiences extrapolate what becomes of the character years later. This movie is not different. But, we can't dismiss it just like that. The movie is definitely not bad. On the contrary, it has the capability of keeping the attention of the audience. It may not be the best of the genre, but it is definitely an important movie because there are only a few movies (locally) whose strength is in the character study and narrative. It's appeal is universal. 

Teri Malvar, as prepubescent Anita, portrays innocence and curiosity effortlessly, Angel Aquino (as Pilar) is outstanding as the outcast, who is Anita's object of affection. The drama is set in the countryside where nothing much happens, so the people are much concerned about ostracizing an unwanted intruder. The movie also successfully projected the country and its people as one character that affects Anita's initiation into adulthood.

Rating: 3.0/4.0

Date seen: March 11, 2018


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