Movie No. 2 (2019): 2046

2046 (2005)
Director: Wong Kar Wai
Cast: Tony Leung, Zhang Ziyi, Gong Li
In Chinese, with English subtitles

The lead character is Mr. Chow, a journalist/writer. He is the same Mr. Chow in "In The Mood for Love." He writes a science fiction about time travel. It suggests that there is a train that leaves once in a while for 2046, where lost memories can be recaptured. In 2046 nothing changes. But, nobody can confirm this since no one has returned from 2046, except for one who tries, one who tries to change.

In reality, 2046 is the room number of a hotel that is part of Mr. Chow's past. He tries to reconnect with the past. A past of unrequited love that never leaves him. He infuses his novel with certain aspects of his past. So, we have a narrative that, at times, can confusing, Maybe, as confused as the character Mr. Chow. Both Mr. Chow and the audience can easily get lost in the narrative flow. Maybe, that's exactly the point. 

Just like in any of his movies, Wong Kar Wai uses lush colors and lyricism in 2046. This results in beautiful images, reminiscent of real cinema masterworks. It may not be as great as "In The Mood For Love," but 2046 deserves to be seen by cinema enthusiasts.

Rating: 4.0/4.0

Date seen: January 9, 2019


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