Scene At The Airport

Allow me to share an anecdote in present tense because it’s as if the scene in the story is happening right before me as I write it. Do not expect, of course, for a second- or third-hand account of a story to be accurate to the details. This, however, is the gist of the true story shared to me by a friend.

A university professor submits his hand-carried items for inspection to an airport authority, an SOP before boarding the plane. A small bottle holding a clear liquid catches the attention of the inspector. He asks the university professor what the conspicuous liquid is. “Holy water,” the professor answers. Unconvinced, the inspector politely informs the professor that he’ll confiscate the bottle, explaining that local airport regulations don’t allow liquids inside the cabin for security reasons. The instructor, surely, is aware of that; however, he protests. He insists the liquid in the vial is indeed holy water. Having not convinced the inspector, the university professor grabs the bottle from the inspector, opens the cap and empties the bottle on his (own) head.

Did the instructor dry his hair while waiting for his boarding time? Did the authority still confiscate the now empty bottle? I forgot to ask my friend these details. Maybe, we don’t need to know.

The scene, I suggest, is perfect for a Monty Python movie, e.g., The Meaning of Life.


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