The Sheep, The Box, and Carly Simon

Several sheep, not too many to form a flock, were gathered round under a leafless tree. The naked branches of the sturdy-looking tree were a network of purplish veins against the ashen cloudless sky in the backdrop. It was sundown, not golden though. The color of the ground was as pale as the space above it despite what still remained of the pallid silver sheen from the sun, now out of sight. The sheep all faced one direction; from where I was, I saw them face right. They were stuck in that position. Baa baa was all they could say. Or bleat.

In a moment, I was in a different realm …

He was old, bald, but bearded, and barefoot. He wore a chocolate brown tunic. “I’m Baby”, he said, offering his hand, “and you are …”

I didn’t answer. I reached for his hand, though, shook it, and let go. Then I gave him a gift-wrapped box. The silver wrapping had the sheen of a newly polished metal. I saw my reflection in the silver wrap that covered the box. I looked young. Like Narcissus, I gave my reflection a second, third, …, and nth look. I drowned myself in conceit that I totally ignored the existence of the stranger in front of me, until he slipped box into a pouch. Had he not pocketed the box into the marsupial pouch of the tunic on his belly I wouldn’t have noticed it. Obliged, I faced Baby, the stranger. He was old, but not ugly. I could see in his calm countenance a handsome face that he might have owned in his youth. He smiled.

“What’s in the box?” he asked.

“Open it and you’ll know,” I replied.

Before he could open the box, I heard Carly Simon. The sound was faint at first. It grew louder, clearer and more confrontational as I went nearer to the door that separated dream from waking life. Then I realized that I had slept with the earpiece that connected my auditory to my mp4 device in my ears. I woke up in the of middle Carly Simon’s live recording of – how appropriate - You’re So Vain.

It was only a few minutes past twelve midnight. I had only been asleep for ten or fifteen minutes and already had at least two dreams. Maybe there were more but I couldn’t recall the other.

{June 8, 2009}


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