Miguel Street

From the Synopsis on the back cover: A magnet to the poets, philosophers, teachers, troubadours and misfits who people the town of Port of Spain, Miguel Street is a place where tales of glory and debauchery vie with declarations of love and anger, where neighborhood dramas are scrutinized and wisdom doled out to one and all.

In Miguel Street, V.S. Naipaul (winner of 2001 Nobel Prize in Literature) writes several stories, believed to be a tribute to his childhood in Port of Spain in Trinidad. The nostalgic stories concerning the people of Miguel Street are all interconnected; they are all integral part of the coming of age of the narrator. This is my second Naipaul, the first being In A Free State, a Booker Prize-winning novel, which I read eight years ago. This is a decent read.

{23 November 2009}


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