Film Review: The Amazing Spider-Man

The Amazing Spider-Man (Marc Webb, 2012)

Was there really a need to do another interpretation of the story of The Amazing Spider-Man? I didn't read the comics, so I can't tell which film adaptation was more loyal to the graphic novel. This latest version of The Amazing Spider-Man has a new actor, Andrew Garfield. I saw the adaptations with Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker/Spider-Man. I can't complain about Andrew Garfield being Peter Parker/Spider-Man because when I saw this film, it's Peter Parker that I saw on screen, not Andrew Garfield. That means a lot. This latest adaptation focused on Peter Parker's finding a clue to help him understand the death/disappearance of his parents. In the process he got bitten. And what happened next everyone knows. Fans of Spider-Man may not have liked this film much but I like it because the film is more about Peter Parker than Spider-Man.

Rating: 3.5/4.0


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