Film Review: Carnage

Carnage (Roman Polanski, 2011)

The film is an adaptation of Yasmina Reza's award-winning play "God of Carnage." The story is about the meeting of the parents of two boys: one hurt the other in a brawl. The meeting is a mutual decision of both parties to discuss things civilly. But that's not what happens. The meeting ends up in one of the most hilarious comedies I've seen on screen. The so-called "carnage" is fun! I can't say about the play, I haven't seen it yet. One good thing about the film is the  way the writing has planted several inanimate objects in the meeting place that'll be used to supplant the characters of the four parents - the cellphone, the tulips, the handbag, the art books, etc.

The film, in my opinion, looks like it was made to look like a play. But that has been eclipsed by the wonderful performances of Kate Winslet, Jodie Foster, Christoph Waltz, and John C. Reilly.

Rating: 4.0/4.0


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