Movie No. 5 (2014): DALLAS BUYERS CLUB

Dallas Buyers Club (2013)
Director: Jean-Marc Vallee
Cast: Matthew McConaughey, Jared Leto, Jennifer Garner

The year is 1985. Ron Woodroof, a homophobic electrician and hustler, is HIV positive, the doctor announces. He's in denial and dispels the bad news initially, then finds opportunity to help AIDS patients (for a fee) to get medication which, during the time, is still being tested in clinical trials. Of course, he does this under the nose of FDA. 

The movie digs into the psyche of a patient of the disease during the year when people ostracize the afflicted. The movie boasts of two of the most notable performances of 2013: Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto. These actors take method acting into its extremes successfully. They're much into their respective characters. Such efforts can only contribute very significantly to the films' many merits. 

Rating: 4.0/4.0

Date seen: January 9, 2014


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