Movie No. 42 (2014): CELL 211

Cell 211 (a.k.a. Celda 211) (2009)
Director: Daniel Monzon
Cast: Luis Tosar, Alberto Amman
In Spanish, with English subtitles

A day before his new job as a prison guard, Juan Oliver (Alberto Ammam) reports to the penitentiary for orientation. A minor (but freak) accident inside the facilities meets him, which leaves him temporarily unconscious. When he regains consciousness, he finds himself in the middle of a chaos - a prison riot. He must take side and play a dangerous confidence game to save himself.

This is a kind of movie whose heart-pounding suspense is sustained by a clever script,  a no-nonsense editing, and great performances. This is definitely one of the best prison movies that I've seen so far.

Rating: 4.0/4.0

Date seen: April 20, 2014


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