Movie No. 103 (2014): FAIR PLAY

Fair Play (2014)
Director: Andre Sedlackova
Cast: Judit Bardos, Anna Geislerova

This movie is Czech Republic's submission to the Best Foreign Language film competition of the 87th Academy Awards. The movie is a direct commentary on the evils of totalitarian regime; it uses regime's sports training programs as vehicle. The main protagonist is Anna; she trains for the 1984 L.A. Olympics but refuses the special care being offered by the Communist Regime, which in turn uses black mail to get what they want. 

This is well-acted. Both the script and cinematography capture the bleakness of that period in Czech history regardless of whether this movie is purely fiction or based on real events.

Rating: 3.5/4.0

Date seen: December 27, 2014


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