Movie No. 29 (2016): ROPE

Rope (1948)
Director: Alfred Hitchcock
Cast: James Stewart, Farley Granger, John Dall

"Good and evil, right and wrong were invented for the ordinary average man, the inferior man, because he needs them."

"... the privilege of committing it (murder) should be reserved for those who are really superior individuals."

These are some (disturbing) dialogues from the movie. 

Two college friends kill their friend for the sake of killing. Their twisted philosophy makes them do it. They put the lifeless body in a chest, serve foods on it its top, and invite some acquaintances, including the victim's father and girlfriend, for a party. We get to know how the people in the party are related as well as their back stories. Everything seems fine until the hosts' former professor starts to suspect things about the non-appearance of the victim in the party.

The movie is adapted from a play. It also looks theatrical on screen, which is not at all a bad thing. It's the script that makes the movie flow with ease until the finale.

Rating: 4.0/4.0

Date seen: June 12, 2016


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