V. S. Naipaul: HALF A LIFE

In Half A Life, V.S. Naipaul tells of Willie Chandran's rebellious life as it aimlessly drifts in India, England and Africa. I guess the title suggests Willie's unable to fully commit his whole being in everything he ventures. Willie is a product of an 'intercaste' marriage; his father married a coarse woman, Willie's mother, who is an untouchable. There are also issues of racial prejudices. So, Willie's youthful rebellion seems to be one that is with a cause.

For me, story itself is easy to follow but its undertones are difficult to completely understand - maybe only half of it. However, it can't be denied that Naipaul is a fine writer, a fine master of the narrative.
This is the 20th book I've read (so far) this year (2010).

Rating: 3.5/5.0

{28 March 2010}


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