Film Review: Rango
Rango (Gore Verbinski, 2011)
Rango is an animated film, probably filmed in a Disney-like fashion. I'm saying this because at some point Disney animated films didn't excite me anymore. But I gave Rango a try because almost everyone says it's good. Even the Academy Awards agreed.
Rango is an ugly-looking pet lizard (a chameleon to be specific). Right, he's ugly but charming (at least the way his character is written). Kudos to Jonhnny Depp for lending his voice to Rango. His adventures in the desert and hilarious if not pathetic interactions with unconventional desert creatures are actually conventional, or formulaic, as in Disney-animated films. But for some reason, I still enjoyed the film. It's s decent film in this genre.
Rating: 3.50/4.00