Movie No. 18 (2013): ZERO DARK THIRTY

Zero Dark Thirty (2012)
Director: Kathryn Bigelow
Cast: Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, Kyle Chandler

In seeing a film that is based on actual events, I am usually interested, not in the details, but in the way the director tells the story. The good thing about Zero Dark Thirty is that I don't know the significant details of the manhunt of Osama Bin Laden, so watching it, I learned a lot, and found the director's documentary storytelling style gripping. 

Jessica Chastain, in my opinion, deserves the Best Actress nomination that she gets from Academy Awards. She effortlessly acted out her character's iron will inside what look like a frail appearance.

Date seen: January 14, 2013

Rating: 4.0/4


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