Movie No. 28 (2013): MOONRISE KINGDOM

Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
Director: Wes Anderson
Cast: Bill Murray, Edward Norton, Frances McDormand, Tilda Swinton, Bruce Willis

In a peaceful island-community off the coast of New England, a pair of young lovers, both 12-year old, runs away into the wilderness. A search team is formed to hunt them down. But there's a storm, expected to be nasty, that is being formed off-shore.

A Wes Anderson film is only appreciated by one who is used to his style. It's an acquired taste. Either you like it or you don't. I like this film just like I liked The Royal Tenenbaums; in both films the characters seem to be out of this world. That's what usually intrigues me and entices me to watch his film. The film may be quirky but it's without a doubt filled with humor and heart.

Date seen: January 27, 2013

Rating: 3.5/4.0


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