Movie No. 2 (2020): PARASITE

Parasite (2019)
Director: Bong Joon-Ho
Cast: Song Kang-Ho, Lee Sun Kyun, Choi Woo-Sik
In Korean, with English subtitles

What appears to be a symbiotic relationship turns into parasitism. This may not be common in natural ecosystem. However, in a society where class divide is norm and greed is king, parasitism is inevitable and deadly. Parasites kill hosts. This is basically Parasite, the movie. It is art. It is brilliant. A lot has been said about the movie. It won a lot of accolades. Most prominent were Best Film awards from Festival de Cannes (Palm D'Or) (2019), Academy Awards, and National Society of Film Critics.

Saw it twice. Saw it first on the plane enroute to Munich from Abu Dhabi. It was too good not to be seen again on bigger screen. I had to see it again on 49" TV screen. Better!

Rating: 4.0/4.0

Date seen: December 21, 2019 / January 6, 2020


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