F. Scott Fitzgerald: THE GREAT GATSBY

It took me two months to finally finish the book. I only read it because many people are all-praise to this classic. Friends and reading groups highly recommend it. But the first three-quarters of the book bored me. Maybe because, as die-hard lovers of this book would put it, it captured what 1920s was, and I couldn't relate. It's about the American dream that Americans had been mad about. But it's a good thing I finished it. Something happened toward the last quarter which aroused, or renewed, my interest. I almost wanted to start reading it (all over again) from page one. But I didn't; maybe, someday. 

I still consider it a good book although I don't agree that it should be in the top 10 of greatest books written in the 20th century. I've read a lot of much better books, some in translation, some in English language. I don't elaborate on what the novel is about since almost everyone who is into reading literary fiction must have read this already.

Rating: 3.0/5.0


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