Film Review: Bullhead

BULLHEAD (Michael R. Roskam, 2011) – in French and Flemish, with English subtitles

Matthias Schoenaerts in Bullhead (2011)
One needs to be fully engaged for 129 minutes to fully appreciate this complex tale (of personal tragedy, crime, revenge, and friendship) that is set in the world of cow-breeding and illegal hormones trade.  There are scenes of violence and gore, though suggestive, that are necessary.  This is a film where flashbacks are used masterfully, without sacrificing the flow of the straightforward narrative.  The central character (the testosterone-dependent who runs in-char family-owned cow-breeding business) is played masterfully by Matthias Schoenaerts.

This Belgian film is nominated for Best Foreign Language Film in this year’s Academy Awards.

Rating: 4.0/4.0


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