Movie No. 36 (2018): THE BREADWINNER

The Breadwinner (2017)
Director: Nora Twomey

The titular character reminds me of some characters resorting to pretending to be of the opposite sex to survive some kind of ordeal. One specific movie is Baran by the Iranian filmmaker Majid Majidi.

In The Breadwinner, the titular character is a child who is forced into becoming the breadwinner after her father is taken to jail. The movie tackles a difficult subject: chauvinism in modern Afghan society. The animation medium doesn't dilute the seriousness of the subject matter although in live action medium the movie might be unbearable to watch. Isao Takahaka's Grave of the Fireflies succeeded in the same vein. I'm saying this again: Stop-motion animation, in my opinion, is better at conveying characters emotions and setting mood is every scene. The kind of animation that big studios adopt just makes scenes more fancy and too good to be true.

Rating: 4.0/4.0

Date seen; May 14, 2018


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