Film Review: Moebius
Moebius (Gustavo Morquera R., 1996)
In Spanish, with English subtitles
In Spanish, with English subtitles
In the labyrinthine subway system of Buenos Aires, a train with 30 to 40 passengers disappears. The officials of the management that supervise the operations of the subway system contract a mathematician whose expertise is topology. The mathematician is convinced that the train has entered (and been trapped in) the fourth dimension. Proof: they can hear the train, coming and going, but they can't see it. He tries to seek assistance from his former professor in topology, but, he, too, has disappeared. The officials, not quite convinced with his theories, fire him. How this film ends is hair-raising, at least for me. Some may label the film a science fiction (for obvious reason), others may call it a horror film (and that's also for a reason). Regardless of what genre this film falls under, it is without doubt entertaining and thought-provoking.
Rating: 3.5/4.0