Film Review: Pushing Hands

PUSHING HANDS (Ang Lee, 1992)
In English and Chinese (with English subtitles)

Sihung Lung as Mr. Chu in Ang Lee's Pushing Hands 
Retired Tai Chi Master, Mr. Chu, has moved to America to live with his only son Alex, a PhD Computer Science graduate whose wife is American, a struggling novelist.  It seems that Mr. Chu’s presence in the house has been the reason of his daughter-in-law’s writer’s block. This is the conflict. What transpired throughout the film is the examination of cultural differences concerning family and duty.

This is Ang Lee’s debut feature. Although it has the signature of Ang Lee written all over some scenes that I will only notice as long as the scenes are played before me, the film is not as polished as his later films in the trilogy (e.g., The Wedding Banquet). I haven’t seen Eat Drink Man Woman yet but I heard good things about it. I still categorize this as a good film that I will recommend to friends and film lovers.

Rating: 3.0/4.0


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