Movie No. 12 (2020): HIGH AND LOW (aka Tengoku to Jigoku)

High and Low (1963)
Director: Akira Kurosawa
Cast: Toshiro Mifune, Tatsuya Nakadai, Kyoko Kagawa, Takashi Shimura
In Japanese, with English subtitles

The movie High and Low is one of the many masterpieces of Akira Kurosawa. Of the Kurosawa films that I've seen, this is quite different. It's loosely based on Ed McBain's novel called King's Ransom. But that's not what makes it different. This is his only film that looks into people faced with ethical and moral dilemmas.

A wealthy businessman learns his only son is kidnapped. The ransom being demanded is practically his entire wealth. Then the businessman learns that it's not his son but his son's playmate and friend who is kidnapped. The boy is the son of the businessman's chauffeur. Will the businessman pay the ransom?

High and Low is an interesting morality play that also doubles as a thriller. However, the movie is more about the human condition than it is about solving a criminal case. It is more concerned about the worries and indecision of the party of the kidnapped, the eagerness of the police, the excitement of the media, as well as the mystery of kidnapper.

This is my third to see the film. It only gets better than the last time I saw it.

Rating: 4.0/4.0

Date seen: March 18, 2020


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