Movie No. 19 (2020): 37 SECONDS

37 Seconds (2019)
Director: Hikari
Cast: Mei Kayama, Misozu Kanno
In Japanese, with English subtitles

At first, the movie shows routine. A mother minds her other chores and interest while taking care of her grown-up daughter (Yuma) who is afflicted with cerebral palsy. We see the mother's concern to his daughter despite treating the grown-up daughter like a child, helpless. Yuma is a talented manga artist. She writes stories and illustrates, too. She gets paid, but somebody gets the credit. Then Yuma decides to break free from being used and being treated as helpless. She decides to let out her repressed sexual urges. This is when the movie gets interesting but painful to watch. It's painful because it is what it is. But it ends with some kind of hopeful resolution.

Rating: 3.5/4.0

Date seen: March 24, 2020


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